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Tuesday 21 November 2023

Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky reveals he's survived 'six' assassination attempts by President Putin


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky revealed on Monday, November 20, that he has survived at least five assassination attempts orchestrated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Zelensky disclosed this information during a meeting with journalists, expressing uncertainty about the exact number of thwarted plots but asserting that Russian forces are willing to employ any means at their disposal.

Describing the attempts on his life, Zelensky likened the first one to a novel experience, akin to the initial uncertainty surrounding the onset of Covid. 

Subsequent attempts, he explained, became routine as Ukrainian intelligence shared details about additional groups attempting to carry out these actions.

When asked about the number of assassination attempts, Zelensky stated that he was not certain but believed it to be no fewer than five or six. 

He emphasized the willingness of Russian forces to utilize any available instruments.

During the meeting with representatives from Fox News and The Sun, including Fox Corporation chief executive Lachlan Murdoch, Zelensky accused the Kremlin of supporting Hamas in launching attacks in Israel in October. 

Additionally, he expressed concern that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia could escalate into a third world war, underscoring the need for increased Western aid and weaponry.

Zelensky extended his gratitude to journalists globally for their support, acknowledging their role as frontline contributors in the hybrid war where information serves as a weapon in Russian hands. 

He offered condolences to the families of journalists who lost their lives documenting events in Ukraine.

Highlighting the importance of maintaining global attention on the conflict, Zelensky addressed the perception that the situation is like a movie with constant surprises. 

He emphasized that for Ukrainians, particularly the warriors on the front lines, this is a daily reality requiring unwavering commitment and determination despite the prolonged nature of the conflict.

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