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Tuesday 21 November 2023

Uti Nwachukwu Attributes Gay Men Marrying Women to Conceal Sexuality to Women's Influence


Uti Nwachukwu attributes the phenomenon of gay men entering into heterosexual marriages to conceal their sexuality to the pressure and bullying exerted by women. 

The model and actor expressed this viewpoint while engaging with an Instagram user who advocated for more men to openly acknowledge their sexual orientation, asserting that such honesty would prevent them from deceiving women. 

Uti responded by highlighting the role of women in perpetuating the stigma, stating that the mistreatment and shame inflicted on men who come out of the closet lead to a higher likelihood of them resorting to marrying women as a cover-up. 

In essence, Uti Nwachukwu emphasizes the need for a shift in societal attitudes to create an environment where individuals feel accepted rather than compelled to conceal their true selves.

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