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Saturday 11 November 2023

Comedian Helen Paul Shares Inspiring Journey of Triumph Over Stigma as a "Child Born Out of Assault" (Video)

 Helen Paul, a renowned comedian and Professor, recently shared a poignant chapter from her challenging childhood, focusing on the circumstances of her birth resulting from a traumatic incident.

During a recent public appearance, Helen disclosed that her mother became pregnant with her after a distressing episode of assault. 

Recounting her early years, the comedian detailed her move to live with her grandmother following her birth, highlighting the absence of affection from her mother's side of the family.

Helen recounted a disheartening episode where those providing financial assistance to her grandmother explicitly instructed her to utilize the funds exclusively for herself, disregarding the needs of Helen, who was born out of rape. She also remembered her grandmother's advice, emphasizing the importance of achieving success, as she was forewarned that no one would acknowledge her if she remained unsuccessful.

Reflecting on the origin of her name, "Helen," the comedian shared that a clergyman suggested her mother name her after the first person who showed compassion after her birth. Additionally, Helen revealed that her surname did not come from her family, as her aunties dissuaded her grandmother from bestowing their family name upon her. Eventually, a man stepped forward and requested that she bear his name.

Despite the hardships she faced during her early years, Helen Paul has transcended adversity, emerging as a successful comedian in Nigeria and attaining the prestigious position of a Professor in the United States. Her journey from a challenging past to current success serves as a testament to her resilience and determination.

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